'The Winter's Tale'




10th - 15th March 1986


Bette Garratt

Bette Garratt's 1986 'The Winter's Tale' was the last show produced under the Derby Shakespeare Society name. The following year we would become Derby Shakespeare Theatre Company but this wistful comedy made for a fitting end to a chapter in our history.

Tony Eycott's photographs below feature both the show itself and some backstage chicanery as well as some images of our terrifying wild bear on the loose in Derby' Eagle Centre during a promotional display for the show.

All photographs taken by Tony Eycott.


Director - Bette Garratt
Stage Director - Jean Wood
Set Construction - Jim Dean
Costume - Jean Wheeler & Sybil Gamble
Lighting - John Grosvenor
Properties - Mary Willis & Jane Bennett
Music Research - Donald Potter
Choreographer - Pauline Reader
Repetiteur - Gillian Hudson
Sound - Neil Worton
Book - Barbara Pipes
Graphic Design - Bob Vacher
Production Secretary - Rene Craggs
Press Officer - Bob Vacher


Leontes - Keith Briars
Hermione - Carolyn O'Brien
Mamillius - David Ellis
Perdita - Judith Liversidge
Antigonus - Hugh Price
Camillo - Jonathan Godfrey
Dion - Richard Bould
Paulina - Peggie Williamson
Emilia - Ann Toy
Time - Tony Jaggers
Gaoler - David Rooker
Mariner - Jim Dean
Cleomenes - Martin Von Fragstein
Polixenes - Martin Illston
Florizel - David Lazzari
Archidamus - Ian Arnot
Old Shepherd - Eric Dicken
Servant - Peter Freeman
Autolycus - Ian Arnot
Clown - Phil Lowe
Mopsa - Judy Pratt
Dorcas - Doochy Moult
Bear - Richard Bould
Lady To Hermione - Jewel Juden
Lord To Leontes - Peter Cooper
Gentleman - Anthony Young